Seems like only yesterday that I was attending the Royal Bris of Prince William, the future King of England.
Lots has happened since then, most of which explains why I didn’t receive an invitation to the Royal Nuptials.
My comment at the time that the Royal Moyle should have snipped a bit of Prince Charles’ ears was not taken in the humorous vein that I had intended.
Heh, heh. Royal Moyle. Sometimes I amuse myself.
And I swear that it wasn’t me that requested a courtesy flush from the Queen, although it’s a fact that she has digestive issues.
My backdoor plan to be the Syrian Ambassador’s “plus one” was foiled, when the House of Windsor withdrew the invitation due to sensitivity over events in Syria.
At least that was the official story.
Nonetheless, today, I am still very excited.
Sure, sure, it’s the wedding thing, but I’m just an onlooker there. But even moreso it’s that E*Trade has finally unveiled its weekly options trading platform.
I can’t wait to get going with that since the original Option to Profit newsletter and its recommendations were all based on final week options cycle trading.
Now, I can do it every week.
More commissions for E*Trade too, as if my $10,000+ in commissions last year wasn’t enough, but it’s all well spent and reciprocated with good service and execution.
That’s why I had to economize a bit on William and Kate’s wedding gift. Although I’m certain when “Famous Dave’s” opens up its first location in England, they will delight in using their gift card and chowing down on the frozen Cornwall on the Cob.
The weekly options are perfect for me to deal with the holdings for which I haven’t quite found the right regular options opportunity. I do get frustrated when I’m sitting on shares that aren’t generating some kind of return. This month, and fortunately it’s a 5 week options cycle, I still have about 5 holdings that are not bringing home the fish and chips.
After a couple of unemotionally charged up days that seemed to have little to no conviction, I’m expecting a lower close for the week, despite thepre-open futures numbers.
What post-press conference Bernanke Bounce there may have been should soon be dissipated.
For my sake, I hope so, as my ROI so far this month is lower than the S&P. That doesn’t happen very often, but is the risk you take when you sell call options ahead of an upward moving market.
Still, there’s 3 weeks still left in this cycle and if all goes to script there’ll be a market drop before then.
Listen, if the Divine Creator can allow a Prince to find a commoner from among a sea of non-royals, he/she sjhould be capable of a little market gyration.
Speaking of which, Queen Elizabeth does a mean hula once she’s had a couple of Boilermakers.
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