What Did You Do?

Image result for what did you do?Sometimes it’s hard to explain what you did.

It’s bad enough explaining to yourself, but if you also have to explain it to other people after you had a hard time convincing yourself, then your work is really cut out for you.

Today I made one of those trades that takes some explaining.

The explanation probably can go all the way back to the original trade that sought to eke out some option premiums from a real non-performing position.

The was “The Gap.”

Actually, for 2017, I had made 9 trades on the position, in order to try and cut down the large paper loss that I’ve been sitting on for far too long. Continue reading “What Did You Do?”

Views: 16

Welcome Back Old Friends

JImage result for welcome backust a couple of weeks ago, actually not even that long ago, I bid a farewell to an old friend, whose name I always had difficulty in spelling.

That was Weyerhaueser.

Today, along with LuLuLemon, I welcomed it back.

In my ideal world, at least when it comes to stocks, that is what I would be doing again and again.

A couple of years ago it was that way with Twitter. Continue reading “Welcome Back Old Friends”

Views: 4