Goodye, Undistinguished Friend

Sometimes, when you take a superficial look at things, you really don’t see the beauty.

I have to admit that while I’m not a real glossy person in life and while I’ve never been one to look for thrills or seek to stand out, I do like stocks that have character.

In a perverse way, I think that I may even like stocks that treat me poorly.

There is probably a name for that sort of thing and there is probably a diagnosis that goes along with the propensity to get some joy out of misfortune.

In case you don’t know the term, it is Schadenfreude.

This week, though, it was a different Germanic word that came to mind, as I marked the end of an almost 2 year association with the shares of Weyerhaeuser.

During that time, I never really even learned how to spell its name without having to look it up, even as “Schadenfreude” comes as second nature. Continue reading “Goodye, Undistinguished Friend”

Views: 26

Not a Gold Bug

Image result for gold bugI am definitely not a gold bug.

I definitely do hate bugs, though and I do like gold.

With the latter, only in moderation, but I’m liking gold more and more.

For each of my son’s college graduations they received some one ounce gold coins, representing the first time I had ever purchased gold in any form, other than jewelry.

Those turned out to have been good investments and some of those coins have already been cashed in and turned into other good investments.

But what I have really come to enjoy have been the gold miners. Continue reading “Not a Gold Bug”

Views: 15

I Forget

Image result for lululemonAs I’ve gotten older, I realize that there are lots of things that I forget and have forgotten.

For example, I don’t really remember if I used to enjoy looking at photos like this, or not.

If I did, I’m not certain that I remember why I liked it.

Looking at it, though, I do recall a few years ago when LuLuLemon had a little bit of a debacle with its sheer athletic yoga pants and that issue related to quality control took shares lower after an almost fairy tale kind of rise up until that point.

Again, looking at the picture, I don’t really recall if it demonstrates what was bad about the quality or what was good about the quality.

What I do, remember, however, is that as all of this was unfolding, the founder of LuLuLemon and its Chairman, at the time, made the unfortunate mistake of saying that not all people were meant to be wearing his company’s clothing. Continue reading “I Forget”

Views: 16