A Natural Corollary

A natural corollary to the concept of collecting crumbs, is what I used to call (and still do),  the “D’oh Trade.”

That article, in a highly edited version appeared in TheStreet.com, but the unedited version appeared in the old OTP website.

I thought that writing for TheStreet would be a great way to get followers, but I found that I preferred to write without an editor more than I wanted the followers.

But, here, it is  

Run-on sentences and all.

I’ve spent a lot of time in 2017 making those D’oh trades and those crumbs have really added up, although sometimes they do take a lot of maintenance, as well, as I look at the possibility of losing Petrobras this week at an $8.50 strike and possibly an early assignment of Abercrombie and Fitch as it goes ex-dividend, this week.

But if you own those shares and have been following those trades, stay tuned.

Visits: 19

Are You Too Proud to Collect Crumbs? (Reprint)

I made a trade on Friday that I didn’t report. That’s because it was for a premium of only $0.03 and was only worthwhile if you owned lots of shares, but for those into that sort of thing, here is a reprint from about 5 years ago


It’s that time of the month again. Even males have known the feeling of that monthly visitor, at least indirectly. In that sense, males are naturally accustomed to dealing with derivatives that have predictable times of onset and expiration.

But for me and so many other traders, instead of being visited by a normal physiological event, it’s the end of yet another monthly options cycle in just a few short days. Time to see if there are any crumbs left out there just waiting to be taken. And you do have to act quickly, because before you know it those crumbs get smaller and smaller, before they disappear entirely as Friday’s closing bell hearkens.

I suppose that since I now try to find as many weekly options opportunities as possible, that third Friday of each month has lost a bit of its significance. Now its more or less like any other Friday. I’ve never had to deal with a regularly recurring and potentially disruptive physiologic event, but I can’t imagine that such disruptions on a weekly basis would be very good. But when it comes to options, the more frequent the better.

Continue reading on Seeking Alpha

Visits: 15

More Selling


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A few weeks ago, 2 weeks to be precise, as I don’t write very much anymore, I did something that I had never done before.

That was to sell positions in order to raise cash.

The positions that I sold, weren’t in my usual “covered option” portfolio. They were all uncovered index funds that I had held for quite a while and had some nice long-term profits on them, as they just went along for a long market ride.

2 weeks ago on a day that the DJIA went about 144 points higher, I sold 50% of those accumulated shares.

I did so because I saw nothing to warrant the belief that we were heading even higher, at least not for a basket of stocks kind of portfolio.

Individual names, maybe. A basket? Not so much.

But, I did so with the intention of going back in with the cash to buy once again, although not all at once if the S&P 500 had retraced a mere 3% or so.

In those 2 weeks, the portfolio that held those index funds outperformed the S&P 500 by 0.5%, partly because the S&P 500 fell about 0.1% in that time period.

Yesterday, on the heels of a 130 point gain in the DJIA, I sold the remaining 50% of those index fund shares. Continue reading “More Selling”

Visits: 20

Someday Began Today

I’m a bit more rambling today than usual, but it was an unusual day after an eye opening weekend.

A few years ago, maybe about 5 years ago at this point, I wrote an article about a lower maintenance approach to hedging a portfolio.

It involved the use of a well diversified portfolio of about 10 names. They would, ideally, all be high and safe dividend paying companies.

The idea was to use LEAPS and try to stagger the expirations and then just sit back.

Sit back and collect dividends and add that income to the premiums from having sold the options.

For the LEAPS strategy I had also planned on using a strike price that would reflect a fair amount of capital; appreciation over the year or two. Say 7% a year? 10%? Continue reading “Someday Began Today”

Visits: 25

Why Did You Do That?


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The June 2017 option cycle ends tomorrow and it was looking as if L Brands was going to get assigned.

At a time when I really do want to increase cash holdings, ordinarily, I would be pretty happy about seeing that position get closed.

After all, it had done pretty well.

In the event that it had been assigned tomorrow, the 3 month holding would have returned 11.7%.

That’s pretty good when you consider that for the comparable period the S&P 500 returned only 2.4% or, even you want to give benefit of the doubt and include dividends, maybe 2.8%.

But as I was looking at the coming month and wondering what exactly was I going to do with the money that I would have lying around, I looked at the risk – benefit proposition in front of me.

That risk – benefit proposition was this:

Continue reading “Why Did You Do That?”

Visits: 13

What Did You Do?

Image result for what did you do?Sometimes it’s hard to explain what you did.

It’s bad enough explaining to yourself, but if you also have to explain it to other people after you had a hard time convincing yourself, then your work is really cut out for you.

Today I made one of those trades that takes some explaining.

The explanation probably can go all the way back to the original trade that sought to eke out some option premiums from a real non-performing position.

The was “The Gap.”

Actually, for 2017, I had made 9 trades on the position, in order to try and cut down the large paper loss that I’ve been sitting on for far too long. Continue reading “What Did You Do?”

Visits: 16

Welcome Back Old Friends

JImage result for welcome backust a couple of weeks ago, actually not even that long ago, I bid a farewell to an old friend, whose name I always had difficulty in spelling.

That was Weyerhaueser.

Today, along with LuLuLemon, I welcomed it back.

In my ideal world, at least when it comes to stocks, that is what I would be doing again and again.

A couple of years ago it was that way with Twitter. Continue reading “Welcome Back Old Friends”

Visits: 4

Goodye, Undistinguished Friend

Sometimes, when you take a superficial look at things, you really don’t see the beauty.

I have to admit that while I’m not a real glossy person in life and while I’ve never been one to look for thrills or seek to stand out, I do like stocks that have character.

In a perverse way, I think that I may even like stocks that treat me poorly.

There is probably a name for that sort of thing and there is probably a diagnosis that goes along with the propensity to get some joy out of misfortune.

In case you don’t know the term, it is Schadenfreude.

This week, though, it was a different Germanic word that came to mind, as I marked the end of an almost 2 year association with the shares of Weyerhaeuser.

During that time, I never really even learned how to spell its name without having to look it up, even as “Schadenfreude” comes as second nature. Continue reading “Goodye, Undistinguished Friend”

Visits: 25

Not a Gold Bug

Image result for gold bugI am definitely not a gold bug.

I definitely do hate bugs, though and I do like gold.

With the latter, only in moderation, but I’m liking gold more and more.

For each of my son’s college graduations they received some one ounce gold coins, representing the first time I had ever purchased gold in any form, other than jewelry.

Those turned out to have been good investments and some of those coins have already been cashed in and turned into other good investments.

But what I have really come to enjoy have been the gold miners. Continue reading “Not a Gold Bug”

Visits: 16

I Forget

Image result for lululemonAs I’ve gotten older, I realize that there are lots of things that I forget and have forgotten.

For example, I don’t really remember if I used to enjoy looking at photos like this, or not.

If I did, I’m not certain that I remember why I liked it.

Looking at it, though, I do recall a few years ago when LuLuLemon had a little bit of a debacle with its sheer athletic yoga pants and that issue related to quality control took shares lower after an almost fairy tale kind of rise up until that point.

Again, looking at the picture, I don’t really recall if it demonstrates what was bad about the quality or what was good about the quality.

What I do, remember, however, is that as all of this was unfolding, the founder of LuLuLemon and its Chairman, at the time, made the unfortunate mistake of saying that not all people were meant to be wearing his company’s clothing. Continue reading “I Forget”

Visits: 16