

The information provided in this “Disclaimer” is applicable to all LEAPtoProfit (LTP) products including the Trading Alert Subscription Program and LTP Web Access product.

Additional portions are also applicable toLTP programs that are targeted toward affinity groups and utilize customized Toolbars, e-mail or Cellphone text messaging.

The LEAPtoProfit Trading Alert recommendations that are provided, are not a guarantee of profitable returns. The strategies provided attempt to minimize some of the inherent risk in trading stocks, through the sale of options and through closing sales, when necessary.

LEAPtoProfit provides educational services using specific trades to illustrate an investing strategy that is predicated on the use of covered options to either generate income or provide portfolio protection. Illustrative trades are typically identified if they exceed a risk standard normally seen within S&P 500 stocks.

Investors who choose to deploy the recommendations do so upon their own risk and within their own tolerance for loss in the event of unanticipated downward movement of shares. Neither LEAPtoProfit nor its principals may be held responsible for performance of illustrative examples provided to subscribers.

Due to the nature of the strategy, traders must be very timely in the execution of trades and should not consider any of the recommendations as investment advice. They are simply strategies to extract income from stocks. Investing requires a long term approach that is uniquely suited to an individual’s tolerance for risk.

The basic LEAPtoProfit strategy combines both short and long term approaches and is income oriented, rather than anticipatory of large gains in stock price. Due to the possibility of volatility, short term investments may suffer from unexpected and drastic downward price movements.

However, a systematic approach can very realistically provide a consistent monthly rate of return with decreased downside risk.

The principals of LEAPtoProfit are neither certified financial planners nor experts in areas of taxation. Whenever recommendations are made they reflect trades that the LEAPtoProfit principals seek to execute on their own behalf.

Other services that LEAPtoProfit offers for affinity groups and long term investors are designed only to increase income derived from existing securities that are held in “Buy and Hold” portfolios. In such situations, LTP does not offer potential buy or sell recommendations of underlying securities, but does actively recommend transactions involving associated options derivatives.

Any information that is provided to LEAPtoProfit is held in the strictest confidence. None of your information will be shared with any other parties. This includes identifying information and portfolio details.

For portfolio information submissions, cumulative data from subscribers may be assembled and distributed to members as an informational tool to illustrate how similar individuals are investing their assets.

None of LEAPtoProfit’s services are endorsed by outside organizations. Any fund raising or charitable activities for organizations are done as a reflection of the interests of the principals of LEAPtoProfit and its holding company, ACS Consulting. Financial benefits that may accrue to such organizations are provided without anticipation or expectation of reciprocal endorsement of our activities or services.

Additionally, if you received an informational e-mail regarding any of LTP’s services, your e-mail address was obtained through resources generally available to the public and not through the use of privately published directories. The availability of your e-mail address through such public resources should not be construed as an endorsement by any organization, nor be construed as a distribution of confidential material.

Anyone considering using any of LTP’s services should be very familiar with options and options trading. The standard options clearing house informational brochure may be downloaded and is highly recommended reading, as you or your assignee are responsible for executing any trades that are recommended, and doing so in a timely basis.

It is also recommended that potential subscribers review our Privacy Policy, particularly with regard to information that subscribers may submit.

We are very committed to safeguarding your privacy and keeping all information that is transmitted in complete confidence, particularly portfolio information, in all of the manners in which that information may be transmitted.

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